Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mojo Monday 103.. I really should be packing right now... but I don't want to :) I have every room started but not one is finished.. started on the kitchen Saturday and I guess I twisted wrong and pulled something in my back... I'm getting too old for this stuff !! It's much better today !! I came upstairs to my scrap room to start packing up, but instead made a Mojo Monday card.. So.. here it is.. Couldn't decide which picture to put in so I just put both of them.. It's such a beautiful day today I took one of the pictures out in the backyard... that is one thing I am really going to miss is my beautiful yard.. I love to sit out there with the kids (dogs) and read a magazine or just enjoy all of the nature, birds, butterflies an occasional squirrel.....
Hope it's a nice day where you are.. take time to enjoy it... Jen
There can be no other occupation like gardening in which,
If you were to creep up behind someone at their work,
you would find them smiling...
Mirabel Osler

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